Amoveo Group, a non-profit development organization, exists to see broken systems fixed in communities all over the world. We mobilize people, material, and financial investment in projects which spur sustainable solutions to physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. We look to local leaders to determine needs and strategically utilize volunteers and pathfinders.

You Can Help

Go on a Trip

Become a Pathfinder


Your Foundation, Church, or School Can Help

Take Your Group on a Trip

Send Pathfinders

Become a Strategic and or Financial Partner

Learn More About Amoveo
“You Asked What We Needed. No One Has Ever Asked That Before.”

“You Asked What We Needed. No One Has Ever Asked That Before.”

Perla and I were standing in the street in Maneadero after loading a few bags of teacher supplies into the ...

We Are in This Together

We Are in This Together

This morning I (Amy) sat in a chair at my dining room table while two women from my church cooked eggs and ...

When a Trip Is NOT What You Expect

When a Trip Is NOT What You Expect

When I began looking for a mission trip, I was praying for a place where I could be useful and warm - I was...

It's Not JUST a Roof

It's Not JUST a Roof

The children’s classroom at Mision La Palmera needs a new roof....

More Stories
A Summer in Mexico

A Summer in Mexico

Hi, I’m Grace,I have been a summer intern in Mexico for the last few months. If you are thinking a...

One Week Could Change a Life

One Week Could Change a Life

Every summer our team in Ireland invites men and women currently living in ...

A Computer for the School in Juquila

A Computer for the School in Juquila

We arrived at the school in Juquila mid-morning on a Tuesday. The schoolyard was filled with elementary stu...

Light And Life At Drewstown House

Light And Life At Drewstown House

Amoveo exists to see broken systems fixed in communities all over the world through partnering and investin...

Is This Mission Trip Worth It?

Is This Mission Trip Worth It?

At Amoveo, We See Volunteers & Interns as Strategic: Short-term volunteers and in...

A Self-Sustaining Business That Funds An Orphanage in Bolivia Needs Help

A Self-Sustaining Business That Funds An Orphanage in Bolivia Needs Help

Daughters of the King Orphanage started in 2015 in Cochabamba, Bolivia, with the vision of providing a warm...

Help Puerto Rico Recover From Hurricane Fiona

Help Puerto Rico Recover From Hurricane Fiona

In 2019 Amoveo leadership decided that we would begin work in Puerto Rico to help with the delayed infrastr...

Tia Ana's House - 2 Years On!

Tia Ana's House - 2 Years On!

"The house has been a huge blessing. They moved in January 2020, a...

What Should I Expect If I Bring a Team To Philly To Serve?

What Should I Expect If I Bring a Team To Philly To Serve?

Below is a trip recap from Taylor Sharp, Director of Student Discipleship at York Alliance Chur...

Forfeiting Hate for Love At Oasis

Forfeiting Hate for Love At Oasis

In May we received an email from Carol Zhao, a student at the University of Chicago who is from Inner Mongo...

300 Easter Meals for Families in the Philadelphia Area

300 Easter Meals for Families in the Philadelphia Area

With Easter week upon us, the Amoveo Group was able to organize 5 different Faith Communities and non-profi...

Children in Haiti Are in Desperate Need Of Food

Children in Haiti Are in Desperate Need Of Food

The Fill Their Bellies Program began in October of 2019 with just 10 kids after it was made clear t...

School for Angolan Children

School for Angolan Children

Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change ...

Amoveo Haiti Earthquake Relief Response By the Numbers

Amoveo Haiti Earthquake Relief Response By the Numbers

With approximately 2,250 lives lost and 12,750 wounded, the August 14th earthquake that struck ...

Our Team in Haiti Needs Your Help

Our Team in Haiti Needs Your Help

Everyone is well aware of how hard 2021 was on the small nation of Haiti. Besides the Covid-1...

Project Project Mexico - a Social Media Influencer Tells His Story About Visiting Oasis Boys Home

Project Project Mexico - a Social Media Influencer Tells His Story About Visiting Oasis Boys Home

Last month, Jay Scutt, a social media influencer was invited to Mexico on one of our vision trips t...

Return To Mexico

Return To Mexico

Last month, I led a team of six to Maneadero, Mexico for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic...

Haiti Relief Efforts

Haiti Relief Efforts

Earthquake Relief Efforts: So far we hav...

Haiti EarthQuake Response Picks Up Steam

Haiti EarthQuake Response Picks Up Steam

Thanks to the financial support ($9500.00 +) of our incredible community, we are two trips in with the thir...

Amoveo Group Is Looking for Teammates

Amoveo Group Is Looking for Teammates

Have you ever felt that tug on your heart to help in a way, maybe outside your norm? A desire to live somew...

Haiti Earthquake Response Underway

Haiti Earthquake Response Underway

"UNICEF is reporting over 500,000 children have been affected by the earthquake in...

Life Happens On the Streets

Life Happens On the Streets

“Life happens on the street,” Matt explained as we drove down Route 1 through Ensenada and into Maneade...

Philadelphia Food Banks Meeting Real Needs

Philadelphia Food Banks Meeting Real Needs

A lot more people use and need food banks than you might think. They are meant to give fam...

Fill Their Bellies in Haiti

Fill Their Bellies in Haiti

Do you feel numb or helpless when you hear about hungry children? For our leader in Haiti, it wasn't a stor...

War Torn Angolan Refugees

War Torn Angolan Refugees

Helena came to the US in 2015 after her husband passed away in Angola. During the war they found themselves...

Do Homes Matter? Tia Ana's Story

Do Homes Matter? Tia Ana's Story

Do safe and stable homes make any difference? If you know Tia Ana's story, you know they do.Matt Pea...

New Website - Helping Now

New Website - Helping Now

Amoveo's New Website is HereFor seven years, Amoveo Group has helped people across twelve countrie...
