Sponsor a Child in Burkina Faso

Amoveo Group Project in Burkina Faso


Key statistics:

- 1 in 13 children dies before age 5 (11 times the U.S. rate)

- 25% of children suffer from stunting due to malnutrition

- 36% of children are out of school; 67% of girls (15+) struggle with literacy

- 42% of children are engaged in child labor

- 40% of people live in poverty


Sponsorship programs are one of the most effective ways to improve the lives of children around the world. Studies have shown that it improves the future of their families in ways that no other programs can. For $45 a month, you can send a child to school for an entire year and make sure they have access to medical care, nourishing food, and mentoring through our local community partners. This opportunity gives the child a chance to improve the future of their entire family.


Click on the donate link to become a sponsor and change a child's life forever.

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