Ireland - Veranda And Railing for Mens Center Expansion
To expand capacity by 8, we will put in an outside veranda and rails so that each room will have its own entrance.
Sewer, Plumbing & Electric for Mens Center Expansion
To increase capacity by 8 at Tiglin's Men's Center, we must redo sewer, electric, and plumbing systems.
En Suite Bathroom W/ Bedroom for Mens Center Expansion
16 En Suite Bathrooms so existing community bathrooms can be removed and replaced with 4 new bedrooms adding an additional 8 beds to the facility.
Ireland - Veranda And Railing for Mens Center Expansion
To expand capacity by 8, we will put in an outside veranda and rails so that each room will have its own entrance.
Sewer, Plumbing & Electric for Mens Center Expansion
To increase capacity by 8 at Tiglin's Men's Center, we must redo sewer, electric, and plumbing systems.
En Suite Bathroom W/ Bedroom for Mens Center Expansion
16 En Suite Bathrooms so existing community bathrooms can be removed and replaced with 4 new bedrooms adding an additional 8 beds to the facility.
Sponsor a Recovery Retreat Participant
Every summer, we invite men and women that are currently living in an intensive 16-month-long residential recovery program to spend a week in the country with us. They come from all walks of life and can range in age from 18 to 65+.
Recovery Center Retreats
Every Year our team in Ireland facilitates three weeklong retreats to serve the men, women, and families involved in the recovery initiatives that we are investing in. Men and women invited to these retreats are currently living in an intensive 16-month-long residential recovery program. It is life-transforming! The students come from all walks of life and can range in age from 18 to 65+. Each week costs $9000.00.
Summer Camp Experience
Pay for a summer camp experience for an at-risk youth. This gets them off the streets and into the country for a week. $400
Meals for a Month
Make it possible for our afterschool programs to serve healthy meals and snacks. $50 a month
Community Center Capital Campaign
Capital campaign to raise funds to build a community center for at-risk youth. This center will provide a permanent home for our work that connects with at-risk youth via the after-school programs, providing tutoring services, meals, activities, and hospitality. The total cost for this project is $1,065,000.
Keep the Community Center Running
Invest in the general operations of the community center will allow our team to connect relationally with at-risk youth via the after-school programs, providing tutoring services, meals, activities, and hospitality.
Food Bank Delivery Truck
Gathering the food for distribution across our food banks in Philadelphia is hard work as we get food from many different outlets. We need to have reliable trucks to make this happen. $65,000
Start a Food Bank
Invest in food sustainability for families in poor communities across Philadelphia but paying for the cost of a new bank. $10,000
Food Bank
Amoveo is currently operating food banks that are providing food for over 400 families a month. Investing in these food bank's operations is a very simple way to make a difference. $100
Help Feed a Family for Month
Help a Family to not worry about food this month. $50
No Current Donate Opportunities for This Project
No Current Donate Opportunities for This Project
Sponsor a Child's Tuition
Invest in the future of a child in need. $300.00 will cover full tuition for a child to go to the Daycare for a month.
Sponsor 1/2 Of a Child's Tuition
Invest in the future of a child in need. $150.00 will cover one-half tuition for a child to go to the Daycare for a month.
69th Street Day Care Center
Invest in the operations of the 69th Street Daycare. The funds will be used for facility upgrades and maintenance. We are looking to recruit 10 monthly donors at $50 to help with this.
Oasis Boys Home Secondary Level Sponsorship
Sponsor extracurriculars to develop lifelong skills. School supplies, field trips, sports, etc.
Oasis Boy's Home Intermediate Sponsorship
Purchase groceries to feed the boys for a week.
Oasis Boys Home Base Level Sponsorship
Start a boy off on the right foot: shower sandals, underwear, socks, bathrobe, and other basics.
Oasis Boys Home Premium Level Sponsorship
Keep the doors open for the Oasis Boys Home by contributing to operation costs.
Truck for Haiti Projects
A reliable vehicle to meet the needs of our growing operation is essential for our team in Haiti to be effective. In our most recent trip with supplies to the earthquake region, our existing vehicle was hit by another car and was totaled. Thankfully none of our team was hurt but we are now left without a vehicle.
Toys, Games & Craft Materials
Not only do we provide a meal on program days but we also provide a space where the kids can play and learn. We are in need of new toys, games, and crafts materials. $250
Fill Their Bellies Program Costs
The Haiti-Amoveo Fill their Bellies program is run by volunteers but requires utensils, plates, glasses, gas for the stoves, and kitchen and cooking utensils in order to operate. For every meal we provide for100 kids, we need $250 (10 people @ $25) to meet operations needs.
Feed a Child for a Month
Provide a healthy nutritious meal for one child for a month. $35
Union Shop Generator
Due to the infrastructure deficits in Haiti, The Union Shop must use a generator to power their carpentry tools. A new generator that will allow them to continue their work without interruption is needed. The cost is $5000.00.
Truck for Haiti Projects
A reliable vehicle to meet the needs of our growing operation is essential for our team in Haiti to be effective. In our most recent trip with supplies to the earthquake region, our existing vehicle was hit by another car and was totaled. Thankfully none of our team was hurt but we are now left without a vehicle.
Union Shop Permanent Facility Capital Campaign
Capital Campaign to help raise funds for a Union Shop permanent facility. Currently, the Union Shop operates in Amoveo's team base's courtyard and stores their equipment in different places. However, in order to grow, they are in need of a functional workspace with a storefront to advertise their work. The total cost for this project is $105,000.
Union Shop Starter Work Kit
Union Shop starts all of their employees with a starter set of tools for each of our guys (safety glasses, tape measure, work boots, welding helmet, Uniform) $125 per worker
Donate To Haiti Union Shop
Be a supporter of the amazing work happening at the Haiti Union Shop. Currently, the operations are in need of a Radial Arm Saw $250, Table Router $250, Joiner $400, and Bandsaw $300.
Shalom School Classroom Essentials
Shalom School will have four classrooms providing first-class high school education for 250 students. We want to make sure that these classrooms are equipped with the necessary items and technology to make sure they are successful.
Shalom School Capital Campaign
The capital campaign to raise funds to build Shalom School in Burkina Faso. This school will identify youth from poor and vulnerable communities and give them exceptional high school educations, allowing them to break their family's cycle of poverty. The total cost for this project is $65,000.
Bama Farm Monthly Salary for a Shepherd
$100 a month supplements the cost to have a full-time shepherd to grow the goat herd to a sustainable level that will allow for this program to be profitable.
Bama Farm Capital Campaign
For this project to expedite its goal of being a modern farm to model for local farmers, we need an investment in livestock, equipment, and facilities.
Bama Farm Pack Of 50 Chicks
A pack of 50 chicks to increase our stock + food + medicine will cost $100
Bama Farm Poultry Building
In order to get the farm sustainable so that we can begin training local farmers, we have to have build-out the infrastructure. A poultry building will cost $5000.00.
Partial Sponsorship Of a Child in Burkina Faso
Sponsorship programs are one of the most effective ways to improve the lives of children around the world.
Full Sponsorship Of a Child in Burkina Faso
For $45 a month, you can send a child to school for an entire year and make sure they have access to medical care, nourishing food, and mentoring, all in a safe environment.
No Current Donate Opportunities for This Project
No Current Donate Opportunities for This Project
Angola Child Sponsorship
For $50 a month you can send a child to school for an entire year and make sure they have access to medical care, nourishing food, and mentoring all in a safe environment.
Angola Education Fund
Amoveo Group is currently engaged in managing the operations of two schools. One in Luanda (24 classrooms) has 571 students (K-12), and the second in Lobito (6 classrooms) has 200 students (K-9). Your donation to the Angolan School Fund will help offset the $205,000 yearly budget to run both schools and allow Amoveo to build more schools.
No Current Donate Opportunities for This Project
Tia Ana's Farm
A sustainable farm plot on the property was part of the strategic plan to generate food and revenue for Tia Ana's house. It will also give an organic setting for the children to learn sustainable agriculture methods. Your $150 will allow the purchase of been and corn seeds as well as equipment and pay for workers to keep the farm in operation.
Tia Ana's House Child Sponsorship
For $50 a month, you can send a child to school for an entire year and make sure they have access to medical care, nourishing food, clothing, and mentoring, all in a safe environment.