Support Schools in Marginalized Communities

Amoveo Group Project in Mexico


Poverty presents challenges that impact both school attendance and children's education quality. However, Mexican educators and community leaders are rising to the occasion. According to the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), leaders in disadvantaged, rural, and public schools are actively addressing concerns about material resources, demonstrating a commitment to overcoming these obstacles. Their dedication is crucial, as there is a strong relationship between the availability of educational materials and student performance. By focusing on resource allocation and innovative solutions, these leaders are paving the way for a brighter future for all Mexican students. Amoveo wants to empower these educators.


Support ongoing education-related initiatives that provide marginalized communities access to quality education and empower local leaders and educators to drive their development.


Financial support can transform schools in marginalized communities by providing essential training, nutritious meals, and vital supplies. Together, we can create a brighter future for these communities and empower Mexico's next generation of leaders.

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