Trip Dashboard:
Philly Trip - FAQ, Philadelphia, 2024


January 1-December 31


Where Will We Stay & What Will We Eat?


  • Amoveo mission trips can hold up to 100 participants sometimes, and we house them at churches/schools that have bathrooms and showers. 
  • Participants need to bring pillows, sleeping bags, or other bedding to sleep on the floor. Youth groups are assigned to sleeping rooms together, gender separate. Sleeping rooms may be shared with other youth groups, depending on the size of the groups and the size of the room.


  • Meals will consist of hot breakfasts, picnic-style lunches, and hot dinners.  All meals will be prepared for participants by kitchen staff. Picnic-style lunches will be assembled in the mornings and brought to ministry sites. The first provided meal is dinner on Saturday and the last meal is breakfast on Friday.
  • If you have a participant who has to eat gluten-free—please let us know. Participants with special diets or allergies are welcome to bring their own food items to fill in as needed during the week. Please know that we do have peanut butter on the menu. Amoveo is unable to guarantee there will not be any cross-contamination during meal preparation by kitchen staff. There will be a staff member available who will be able to answer any questions about food.

Typical Schedule?


3—5:30 p.m.: Check-in.

5:30 p.m. Dinner

7 p.m. Adult Leader Meeting 

7:30 p.m. Evening Program

9:00 p.m. Free Time

11 p.m. Lights-out


6:45 a.m. Rise and Shine

7:30 a.m. Breakfast, clean up team center space

8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Church

Noon Lunch at local church partners

12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Groups have free time

5:00 p.m. - Dinner

7 p.m. Adult Leader Meeting 

7:30 p.m. Evening Program

9:00 p.m. Free Time

11 p.m. Lights-out

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:

6:45 a.m. Rise and Shine

7:30 a.m. Breakfast, gather supplies and sack lunches

8:30 a.m. Big Group Connect, Gather Supplies and depart for ministry/service sites

Noon On-Site Lunch

4:00 p.m. Return to Team Center for cleanup and free time

5:30 p.m. Dinner

7 p.m. Adult Leader Meeting 

7:30 p.m. Evening Program

9:00 p.m. Free Time

11 p.m. Lights-out


Same schedule as the other days until 12:30 p.m.

12:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Groups have free time (Dinner on your own)

11 p.m. Lights-outs


7:45 a.m. Rise and Shine

8:30 a.m. Breakfast

What Should I Pack?


  • Air mattress, cot, or foam pad (twin-size)
  • Sleeping bag or sheets
  • Blanket and pillow
  • Towels and washcloths
  • Modest swimsuit and shower shoes
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Soap and shampoo
  • Any prescription medications
  • Laundry/plastic bags (for dirty clothing)
  • Long pants or jeans
  • Modest shorts
  • Work t-shirts
  • Pajamas, socks, and underwear
  • Work boots or sturdy shoes
  • Water bottle
  • Personal health insurance card or copy
  • Bible
  • Any Tools from the Tool List
  • Light Jacket
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Bandanas, a hat, or visor
  • Insect repellent
  • Mirror*
  • Camera*
  • Rain gear*
  • Snacks*
  • Musical instruments*
  • Fans* (we’ll have AC, but some need moving air)
  • Flashlight*
  • Spending money*

* Optional


  • Alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs
  • Expensive clothes or jewelry
  • Anything really valuable
  • Fireworks, weapons, or toy guns
  • Skimpy or revealing clothes

Background Checks?


  • Yes, Amoveo Group requires that all participants 18 years of age or older be screened and background checked by your church before attending.
  • Background checks must be national and no older than two (2) years from the trip's start.
  • You choose your background check organization vendor, or we have one we can recommend.
  • 18-20-year-olds are not considered “adults” during the trip; however, we still ask them to go through your church’s screening process and have background checks run because of our commitment to safety.
  • Amoveo Group requires a letter from the church’s pastor with his signature on official letterhead confirming that the church has on file official background checks for every 18+ participant for them to attend the trip. This can be scanned and sent to info@amoveo 
  • If you require background checks, you will need to register your church/organization and then begin obtaining background checks for your people. Please go to and click 'Not Registered' in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to register your church/organization. When you get to the “How did you hear about us” entry, please type “Amoveo Group.” This will communicate that you are looking for the basic background check that will cost $15.00 a person.
  • Please note that your church/organization will need to set up an account to use this service for legal and billing purposes.

Donation Focus

Project: Food Banks
Need: Gathering the food for distribution across our food banks in Philadelphia is hard work as we get food from many different outlets. We need to have reliable trucks to make this happen. $65,000


Project: Food Banks
Need: Invest in food sustainability for families in poor communities across Philadelphia but paying for the cost of a new bank. $10,000


Project: Food Banks
Need: Amoveo is currently operating food banks that are providing food for over 400 families a month. Investing in these food bank's operations is a very simple way to make a difference. $100


Project: Food Banks
Need: Help a Family to not worry about food this month. $50


Project: 69th Street Daycare
Need: Invest in the future of a child in need. $300.00 will cover full tuition for a child to go to the Daycare for a month.


Project: 69th Street Daycare
Need: Invest in the future of a child in need. $150.00 will cover one-half tuition for a child to go to the Daycare for a month.


Project: 69th Street Daycare
Need: Invest in the operations of the 69th Street Daycare. The funds will be used for facility upgrades and maintenance. We are looking to recruit 10 monthly donors at $50 to help with this.
